Neil Faber

Saturday, 01 January 2022 10:57

Board Meetings During Covid

The RCVFD board will be conducting meetings either in person or via Zoom “calls” for the duration of the current pandemic. The decision to move to in person meetings will be determined by a majority vote of the board. If in person meetings take place, we will comply with all Larimer County Health Department Requirements and Recommendations that are in place at the time of the meeting.

Sunday, 25 July 2021 20:31

Guidelines for Public Forum

The Board welcomes discussion with RCVFD members. The Public Forum portion of meetings will be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, meaning the discussion will stay on topic and time for discussion will be limited. Each item of discussion brought up during the open forum will be treated similarly. Members who are unable to attend Board meetings have the option of bringing comments and concerns to their Area Reps. The Area Reps can bring your discussion items to the Board.