The Festival is almost upon us and we need LOTS of homemade Baked Goods for the Bake Sale Tent. It is a wonderful way to get the family involved and support our Fire Department. All proceeds go directly to RCVFD.Our biggest request from folks who come to the festival is for PIES. We can never have too many! Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, breads, scones, tarts, and bars are always a hit too. Get creative, bake whatever you want to share! It is very helpful to have items packaged in sellable amounts, ie: half dozen cookies or individual brownies. Listing ingredients especially allergens such as peanuts is helpful too. Someone will be at the tent as early as 7:30 on 9/8/2018 so feel free to drop items off anytime after that. If you have questions please don't hesitate to call or email. Lisa Diederich.. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 970-472-8426. Thank you in advance for making this festival a success for our fabulous Fire Department.