Thursday, 31 August 2023 20:58

Call for Festival Help

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First request is from Patti Clutter, our Bake Sale Chair:

The Festival is almost here and we need lots of baked goods for the Bake Tent! This is a great way to get the entire family involved in supporting our incredible RCVFD. Whatever you love to bake we would love to sell! Last year we sold out early and we’re anticipating a bigger crowd this year, so we’re counting on our wonderful community bakers once again! PIES are the best-selling item, cookies, bars, brownies, muffins, and breads are popular too. Items that do not require refrigeration are best for the sale. Please package items in sellable amounts (2—4 cookies, ½ dozen cookies, etc.). Also list high allergen ingredients such as nuts or dairy. We will be at the tent by 7:AM on the day of the festival so you can drop off your items early or anytime that day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Patti Clutter, Bake Sale Chair, on my cell 858-248-6328 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for supporting our incredible RCVFD that keeps us safe!

Next is Bridget Tisthammer, our Ice Cream Chair:

Want to be the “Festival Ice Cream Chair-Apprentice”?

Work with the current Ice Cream Chair, Bridget, at this year’s RCVFD Mountain Festival to learn the annual tasks of the Festival's FREE ice cream trade!
  1. In May, contact ice cream vendors and pick flavors.
  2. In August, schedule Festival scoopers.
  3. In September, set up ice cream booth, and make lots of people smile!

You will be part of the Festival Team! Please contact Bridget, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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