Friday, 17 February 2017 12:14

Breaking Rocks in the Canyon

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There has been some speculation about the work crews using heavy equipment to widen the rock walls in the lower and middle canyon. Here is what we have learned from Larimer County Road & Bridge:

We are removing rock to:

  1. Improve drainage adjacent to the road. In many areas the drainage runs on the surface of the road and by pulling the slopes back we can get a ditch
  2. Improve safety at areas where the rock was very close to the white line.

We are not planning to construct an uphill bike lane. The work we are doing is very limited and will be confined within the existing right of way.

As a side note we will be paving CR 52E this summer from CR 27E to Stratton Park. This project will begin in June and continue over the summer and will start with asphalt patching followed by asphalt paving.
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