Sunday, 27 November 2016 18:53


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  1. Over the years, the Richard Schmid Fine Art Auctions netted more than $750,000 for RCFVD capital equipment purchases and operating expenses.

  2. Auction Sales from Richard Schmid paintings grossed from $30,000 to $100,000 depending on whether we received one or two paintings.

  3. RCVFD is 1 of 59 non-tax based volunteer fire departments in Colorado. This has long been a source of pride.

  4. Recent Festival and Art Auction Proceeds (2016 = $11,000) will not sustain RCVFD, likely leading to conversion a tax-based department.

  5. The 2016 annual operating budget is $70,000.

  6. Community Annual Drive revenues typically fall $20-25,000 short of the annual budget.

  7. Capital equipment purchases are not included in the operating budget.

  8. One fully equipped foam fire truck costs in excess of $200,000.

  9. An equipped fire station in the Buckhorn has been a long-standing dream.

The Good News:

Well-known artist and former area resident Richard Schmid was recently honored in Denver. Richard, Nancy Guzick (his wife,) and two daughters, Molly and Bridgette attended. Molly spoke fondly of the Schmid connection to RCVFD and the lesson it taught her about service (aka “giving back.”) Rist Canyon residents attending the event believe this awakened interest in Richard Schmid and is beneficial for our art auction. We are pleased Molly and Richard both recently agreed to consult on and support our ongoing Art Auction. Additionally, several notable galleries in Wyoming and Colorado have agreed to support our auction, further enhancing our attraction.

A Call to Action - RCVFD needs YOU:

Jon Stephens, Dinney Falkenberg, and Carol Miller are spearheading the efforts for the 2017 RCVFD Fine Art Auction (founder Richard Schmid.) We are presently determining personnel needs, but we KNOW to make this fundraising effort a success, it will take many, many people. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Stove Prairie School Festival next Saturday December 3. PLEASE sign this sheet and volunteer to help. Those who sign up at the School Festival, will be personally contacted to discuss your interest and time availability. If you will not be in attendance at the School Festival, but will help or would like to offer suggestions please call:

Jon at 970-482-2719
Carol at 970-484-7731
Or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In closing,

  1. Please have a very Merry, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season.

  2. THANKS for helping our volunteer firefighters who give up so much to keep us safe or provide needed emergency medical services.

  3. Stay tuned for periodic updates on our efforts and needs.

Jon, Dinney and Carol
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