- Have enough food and your normal medications for a 24 day stay at home. Keep basic health supplies on hand (e.g., soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, tissues, and a thermometer).
- While there is no cure at this time, for milder cases things like Vitamin C, Emergen-C, Theraflu, Cold Snap, acetaminophen (Tylenol), Throat Coat, or other OTC medications/herbal remedies that you have found work for you with other flu illnesses. If you're sick and can't go to town, now might be the right time to have these things on our shelf (note some sources discourage other NSAIDs because they suppress the immune system). Lozenge with zinc, vitamin C and or elderberry. Humidifiers with menthol or eucalyptus might be helpful.
- Hydration may be an issue if you or your family gets sick. Electrolytes are important. Gatorade or many other sports drinks should be diluted in half because of the sugar. Many people report favorable results with Pedialyte or Skratch-Labs
- To stay healthy, find ways to continue a moderate exercise routine. 30 min/day aerobic activity can help overall immune functioning.
- Create a list of resources that might be helpful should you or a family member get sick. This may include Dr's phone numbers, medication lists, emergency contacts and post this in a conspicuous place for first responders in case they need to help you or your loved ones.
- For your family's mental health find ways to maintain contact with others via phone, social media ect. Consider having a separate discussion with young children in order to use language they can understand and to address specific fears or misconceptions they may have.
- Remember to take time away from the news and stress of COVID-19. Yoga on Youtube, breath deep, walks in the woods. I'm not trying to make light of the situation. Mental health during times like these is as important as physical health
- Reassure your children that you will take them to the pediatrician and get medical care if needed. Explain, however, that not every cough or sneeze means that they or others have COVID-19.
- I'm sure you've already heard it before but, remember unless your symptoms are life-threatening or your are part of a high risk population, recovery in your home is recommended. Expect resources at the hospital to be stretched very thin and with staff only able to deal with life-threatening conditions
- If needed get support regarding your anxiety or stress Colorado Crisis Services offers free, confidential, professional, 24/7 support 1-844-493-8255. SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or by texting TalkWithUS 66746.